Patient decontamination is personnel, time, and equipment intensive. Nevertheless, with a little ingenuity and attention to just a few basic principles, an effective litter decontamination procedure can be accomplished with minimal cost. The first part of this appendix briefly discusses considerations in establishing a decontamination site, followed by step-by-step procedures.
The decontamination site is part of the medical treatment facility, and the same considerations for establishing the treatment facility apply to the decontamination area. The decontamination area is located about 50 yards downwind from the treatment area (i.e., wind blowing from the clean treatment area to the dirty decontamination area).
The important considerations of personnel and equipment requirements are discussed in other publications.
Wind Direction
Wind direction is important because a vapor hazard may be present downwind from a liquid contaminated area (i.e., patient arrival/triage area). Patient decontamination is always performed upwind, or at least not downwind, from the patient arrival area.
The decontamination site will initially be set up to take advantage of the prevailing wind; however, setup should be adaptable to allow for quick rearrangement when the wind comes from another direction.
If the wind changes direction by more than 45o, the decontamination site will need to be adjusted accordingly. A wait of 15 to 20 minutes to determine if the change is permanent should precede the move. When the site is moved, it must be moved at least 75 meters upwind from any contaminated area. Personnel working in the old "clean" area when the wind shifts must ensure that all casualties remain masked. This scenario points out that the ideal decontamination setup should include 2 separate decontamination sites approximately 75 meters apart, when possible.
Security of Decontamination Site
When choosing a decontamination site, the same security considerations must be given as for any other site chosen for medical operations. The decontamination site is at the same potential risk from attack as is the actual medical treatment facility.
Area Control of Decontamination Site
An entry control point (ECP) can be established to control movement of clean and contaminated vehicles to the Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) or the Decontamination Site. The ECP should be located at a distance far enough from the MTF to keep vapor hazard from contaminated vehicles to the minimum.
Traffic control at the decontamination site involves routing a clearly marked, one-way course from the ECP to the decontamination site.
Control of personnel movement is necessary to ensure that contaminated walking personnel do not accidentally contaminate clean areas. The hot line must be secured. Concertina wire works well to keep personnel in the desired areas, and a clearly marked, one-way route helps to ensure that correct entry and exit points are used.
Two people are required per litter patient. These two augmentees will link up with one litter patient in the triage area and work with that same litter patient until hand-off at the "hot line." These two people conduct both clothing removal and any required skin decontamination. To assist these two augmentees, two other augmentees will be needed, one to assist the first two augmentees in picking up the patient from the clothing removal litter, and the second to remove the contaminated clothing and litter and replace it with a clean litter. These four augmentees will conduct all patient decontamination and movement of the patient while in MOPP level IV and the Toxicological Agent Protective (TAP) apron.
Personnel working in the patient decontamination area will be at MOPP level IV plus the Toxicological Agent Protective (TAP) apron. At least two people from this area will move to the triage area and carry the patient from this area to the first decontamination station.
Hypochlorite Solutions
Two different concentrations of chlorine solution are used in the patient decontamination procedure. A 0.5% chlorine solution is used for all patient washing procedures and for the mask decontamination. The 5% chlorine solution is used to decontaminate the scissors, the TAP aprons, and the gloves on personnel working in the patient decontamination area and the casualty's hood. The chlorine solutions are placed in buckets for use in this area. The buckets should be distinctly marked because it is very difficult to tell the difference between the 5% and 0.5% chlorine solutions. These solutions may be made using the 6-ounce Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH) containers that come with the Chemical Agent Decon Set. The 0.5% solution can be made adding one 6-ounce container of calcium hypochlorite to 5 gallons of water. Adding eight 6-ounce containers of calcium hypochlorite to 5 gallons of water can make the 5% CL solution. These solutions evaporate quickly at high temperatures, so if they are made in advance, they should be stored in closed containers.
1. Decontaminate the mask and hood. Sponge down front, sides, and top of hood with 5.0% calcium hypochlorite solution, or wipe off with the M258A1 or the M291 Decon Kit.
2. Remove hood.
3. Decontaminate protective mask/face.
4. Remove Field Medical Card (FMC).
5. Remove all gross contamination from the patient's overgarment.
6. Cut and remove overgarment. Cut clothing around tourniquets, bandages, and splints. Two people will be cutting clothing at the same time. Dip scissors in 5% hypochlorite solution before doing each complete cut to avoid contaminating inner clothing.
A. Cut overgarment jacket.
B. Cut overgarment trousers.
7. Remove outer gloves. This procedure can be done with one aidman on each side of the patient working simultaneously. Do not remove inner gloves.
G. Dip your own gloves in HTH solution.
8. Remove overboots.
9. Remove personal articles from pockets.
10. Remove combat boots without touching body surfaces.
11. Remove inner clothing.
12. Remove undergarments following same procedure as for fatigues. If patient is wearing a brassiere, it is cut between cups. Both shoulder straps are cut where they attach to the cups and laid back off the shoulders.
13. Clothing removal to skin decontamination. Transfer the patient to a decontamination litter. After the patient's clothing has been cut away, he is transferred to a decontamination litter or a canvas litter with a plastic sheeting cover. Three decontamination team members decontaminate their gloves and apron with the 5% hypochlorite solution. One member places his hands under the small of the patient's legs and thigh, a second member places his arms under the patient's back and buttocks, and the third member places his arms under the patient's shoulders and supports the head and neck. They carefully lift the patient using their knees, not their backs, to minimize back strain. While the patient is elevated, another decontamination team member removes the litter from the litter stands and another member replaces it with a decontamination (clean) litter. The patient is carefully lowered onto the clean litter. Two decontamination members carry the litter to the skin decontamination station. The contaminated clothing and overgarment are placed in bags and moved to the decontaminated waste dump. The dirty litter is rinsed with the 5% decontamination solution and placed in a litter storage area. Decontaminated litters are returned by ambulance to the maneuver units.
14. Skin decontamination. The areas of potential contamination should be spot decontaminated using the M258A1 kit, the M291 kit, or 0.5% hypochlorite solution. These areas include the neck, wrists, lower face, and skin under tears or holes in the protective ensemble. After the patient is decontaminated, his dressings and tourniquet are changed. Superficial (not body cavities, eyes, or nervous tissue) wounds are flushed with the 0.5% CL solution and new dressings are applied as needed. Cover massive wounds with plastic or plastic bags. New tourniquets are placed 0.5 to 1 inch proximal to the original tourniquet, and then the old tourniquets are removed. Splints are not removed but saturated to the skin with 0.5% CL solution. If the splint cannot be saturated (air splint or canvas splint), it must be removed sufficiently so that everything below the splint can be saturated with the 0.5% CL solution. The patient, his wounds, and the decontaminable stretcher have now been completely decontaminated.
15. Final monitoring and movement to treatment area. The patient is monitored for contamination using the Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM), M8 paper, or M9 paper. The contents of the M258A1 kit (pad 1 and pad 2 when used separately or together) and hypochlorite solution on the skin do not affect the CAM. However, pad 1 of the M258A1 kit causes M8 paper to turn dark green (V agent), pad 2 causes no color change, and the pads used together cause M8 paper to turn yellow (G agent). Each pad causes the M9 paper to react (turn red). Once the casualty is confirmed clean of chemical agent, he is transferred via a shuffle pit over the hot line. The shuffle pit is composed of two parts Super Tropical Bleach (STB) and three parts earth or sand. The shuffle pit should be deep enough to cover the bottom of the protective overboots. The buddy system wash of the TAP apron and gloves in 5.0% hypochlorite solution precedes the transfer of the patient to a new, clean canvas litter if the decontaminable stretchers are in limited supply. A three-person patient lift is again used as the litter is switched. If the litter as well as the patient was checked, both patient and the same litter can be placed over the hot line.
Casualties who are decontaminated in an ambulatory area are those who (1) require treatment that can be supplied in the emergency treatment area, or (2) require resupply of their protective overgarment in the clean area before return to duty. Those who require clothing removal use the litter decontamination procedure, as removal of clothing is not done in this area.
Personnel from the decontamination station might assist the casualty, or the casualties might assist each other during this process under close supervision.
Decontamination of ambulatory patients follows the same principles as for litter patients. The major difference is the sequence of clothing removal, listed below, to lessen the chance of the patient contaminating himself and others.
The first five steps are the same as in litter patient decontamination and are not described in detail.
1. Remove load-bearing equipment.
2. Decontaminate mask and hood and remove hood.
3. Decontaminate skin around mask.
4. Remove Field Medical Card and put it into a plastic bag.
5. Remove gross contamination from the outergarment; remove and bag personal effects from overgarment.
6. Overgarment Jacket Removal
A. Instruct patient to:
B. Stand in front of patient.
C. Move to the rear of the patient.
D. Cut to aid removal if necessary.
7. Removal of Butyl Rubber Gloves
8. Remove patient's overboots.
9. Remove overgarment trousers.
10. Remove glove inner liners. Patient should remove the liners since this will reduce the possibility of spreading contamination. Tell patient to remove white glove liners.
11. Final monitoring and decontamination.
12. The medical corpsman should remove bandages and tourniquets and decontaminate splints using the procedures described in the decontamination of a litter patient during overgarment removal.
13. The patient is decontaminated and ready to be moved inside the hot line. Instruct patient to shuffle his feet to dust his boots thoroughly as he walks through the shuffle pit.
14. In the clean treatment area the patient can now be retriaged, treated, evacuated, etc. In a hot climate the patient will probably be significantly dehydrated, and the rehydration process should start.
The clean area is the resupply point for the patient decontamination site. Water is needed for rehydration of persons working in the decontamination area. The resupply section should have an adequate stock of canteens with the chemical cap.
A location is needed in each decontamination area (75 meters from the working decontamination site) to allow workers, after they have decontaminated their TAP aprons, to remove their masks and rehydrate. There are generally not enough battle dress overgarments (BDOs) available to allow workers to remove them during the rest cycle and don new gear before going back to work. If these clean/shaded rest areas are not provided, the workers must remain in MOPP IV even during rest periods, and water must be drunk through the mask via the drinking port. If all water consumption is by mask, there must be a canteen refill area adjacent to the vapor/clean line in which empty canteens can be decontaminated and placed for refill and clean full canteens are present for rehydration.
(The above procedures were adapted from FM 8-10-4 and FM 8-10-7.)
The diagram (not yet available) shows a set-up for casualty reception in a contaminated environment. The chapter on casualty management describes the stations.
The actual set-up of this area may vary depending on the assets and circumstances.
The following foldout (not yet available) is a diagram of the Personnel Decontamination Station. This is a decontamination procedure for noncasualty personnel. It is not a medical specific procedure, but a procedure that all units in the military, including medical units, employ.
Using this procedure, contaminated, noncasualty personnel can move from the contaminated (dirty) area across the hot line to the non-contaminated (clean) area. In a medical unit, this procedure would be followed by those working in the dirty area (such as the triage officer, the decontamination team) moving to the clean area.
A related procedure (not shown) is the MOPP exchange station. In this station, personnel who have been wearing contaminated MOPP gear longer than the recommended time can exchange their dirty protective garments for clean garments.
(Taken from FM 3-5.)
The following tables provide estimated human toxicity data on the agents discussed in this Handbook.
Agent |
Effect |
Ct50 (mg-min/m3) |
Liquid on skin |
GA |
Miosis |
~2-3 |
Death |
200-400 |
GB |
Miosis |
~3 |
Death |
100-200 |
GD |
Miosis |
~2-3 |
Death |
50-70 |
VX |
Death |
10-50 |
HD |
Eye |
12-200 |
Pulmonary |
100-200 |
Erythema |
200-1000 |
10 µg |
Death |
1500 inhalation 10,000 skin |
100 mg/kg |
L |
Erythema |
>1500 |
10-15 µg |
Death |
~1500 inhalation |
40-50 mg/kg |
CX |
Eye |
200? |
Erythema |
2500? |
Death |
3200? |
Agent |
Effect |
Ct50 (mg-min/m3) |
CG |
Pulmonary effects |
>1600 |
Death |
3200 |
AC |
Death |
2500-5000 |
CK |
Death |
11,000 |
CN |
Irritation |
10-20 |
Death |
14,000 |
CS |
Irritation |
5-10 |
Death |
>50,000 |
The following tables provide physicochemical data on the agents discussed in this Handbook.
GA (Tabun) |
GB (Sarin) |
GD (Soman) |
GF |
VX |
Molecular Weight |
162 |
140 |
182 |
180 |
267 |
Vapor Density |
5.63 |
4.86 |
6.33 |
6.2 |
9.2 |
Liquid Density |
1.07 at 25oC |
1.09 at 25oC |
1.02 at 25oC |
1.17 at 20oC |
1.01 at 20oC |
Freezing/Melting Point (oC) |
-5 |
-56 |
-42 |
-30 |
<-51 |
Boiling Point (oC) |
240 |
158 |
198 |
239 |
298 |
Vapor Pressure |
0.037 |
2.9 |
0.4 |
0.04 |
0.007 |
Volatility |
610 |
22,000 |
3,900 |
438 |
10.5 |
HD (Distilled Mustard) |
L (Lewisite) |
CX (Phosgene Oxime) |
Molecular Weight |
159 |
207 |
114 |
Vapor Density |
5.4 |
7.1 |
3/9 |
Liquid Density |
-- |
Freezing/Melting Point (oC) |
14 |
-18 |
35-40 |
Boiling Point (oC) |
217 |
190 |
53-54 |
Vapor Pressure |
Volatility |
AC (Hydrogen Cyanide) |
CK (Cyanogen Choride) |
CG (Phosgene) |
Molecular Weight |
27 |
61 |
99 |
Vapor Density |
0.99 |
2.1 |
3.4 |
Liquid Density |
0.69 |
1.18 |
1.37 |
Freezing/Melting Point (oC) |
-13.3 |
-6.9 |
-128 |
Boil. Point (o)C |
25.7 |
12.8 |
7.6 |
Vapor Pressure |
Volatility |
1,080,000@25oC |
2,600,000@12.8oC |
4,300,000@7.6oC |
CN (Mace) |
CS |
Molecular Weight |
155 |
189 |
Vapor Density |
5.3 |
-- |
Liquid Density |
1.32 (solid) @20oC |
Freezing/Melting Point (oC) |
54 |
~94 |
Boiling Point (oC) |
249 |
~310 (with decomposition) |
Vapor Pressure |
Volatility |
Atropine Inj. 0.70L/6505-00-926-9083 |
500 ea |
Pralidoxime Chloride/6505-01-125-3248 |
100 ea |
Boric Acid 5%/6505-01-153-3012 |
36 tu |
Sodium Nitrite/6505-01-206-6009 |
12 pg |
Sodium Thiosulfate/6505-01-206-6010 |
12 pg |
Diazepam/6505-01-274-0951 |
3 pg |
Atropine Sulfate/6505-01-332-1281 |
1 pg |
Infusion Set Size: 2/6515-00-089-2791 |
60 ea |
Airway Pharyn LGE/6515-00-300-2900 |
6 ea |
Airway Pharyn SM/6515-00-300-2910 |
6 ea |
Syringe Hypo 10 ml/6515-00-754-0412 |
.6 pg |
Needle Hypo 18 ga/6515-00-754-2834 |
1.2 bx |
Suction Apparatus/6515-01-076-3577 |
4 ea |
Resuscitator Hand/6515-01-338-6602 |
4 ea |
Syringe Hypo 50 ml/6515-01-280-2320 |
1 pg |
Chest No. 4/6545-00-914-3490 |
3 ea |
Gloves Chem/8415-01-138-2502 |
2 pr |
Gloves Chem/8415-01-138-2503 |
2 pr |
Bag Chem Cas/8465-01-079-9875 |
12 ea |
M291 SDK/4230-01-276-1905 |
2 bx |
Bandage Scissors/6515-00-935-7138 |
6 ea |
Syringe Hypo/6515-01-280-2320 |
.6 pg |
Litter Support/6530-00-660-0034 |
4 pr |
Chest No. 4/6545-00-914-3490 |
1 ea |
Chest No. 6/6545-00-914-3510 |
1 ea |
M9 Chem Agt Paper/6665-01-049-8982 |
1 ro |
Calcium Hypo/6810-00-255-0471 |
48 bo |
12 qt Pail/7240-00-773-0975 |
10 ea |
Sponge Cellulose/7920-00-884-1115 |
6 ea |
Bag Plastic/8105-00-191-3902 |
2 ro |
Plastic Sheet/8135-00-618-1783 |
2 ro |
Work Gloves MED/8415-00-268-8353 |
25 pr |
Work Gloves SM/8415-00-258-8354 |
25 pr |
Black Pencils/7510-00-240-1526 |
2 dz |
TAP Apron SM/8415-00-281-7813 |
2 ea |
TAP Apron MED/8415-00-281-7814 |
4 ea |
TAP Apron LRG/8415-00-281-7815 |
2 ea |
Chem Prot Glove/8415-01-033-3517 |
2 ea |
Chem Prot Glove/8415-01-033-3518 |
4 ea |
Chem Prot Glove/8415-01-033-3519 |
2 ea |
Decon Litter/6530-01-290-9964 |
4 ea |
(not yet available)The enclosed chart is intended to serve as a reminder of the agents, their effects, first-aid measures, detection, and skin decontamination
It is in no way complete, nor is it intended to be complete. Consult the appropriate chapter for further details.
ACAA: Automatic Chemical Agent Alarm
AMEDD: Army Medical Department
BDO: Battle Dress Overgarment
BDU: Battle Dress Uniform
CAM: Chemical Agent Monitor
CANA: Convulsive Antidote, Nerve Agent
CARC: Chemical Agent Resistant Coating
C/B: Chemical/Biological
CDC: Chemical Decontamination Center
CBPS: Chemical and Biological Protective Shelter
CPS: Chemical Protective Shelter
DAAMS: Depot Area Air Monitoring System
DBDO: Desert Battle Dress Overgarment
DTD: Detailed Troop Decontamination
ECP: Entry Control Point
FMC: Field Medical Card
GREGG: Graves Registration
HTH: High Test Hypochlorite
KPH: Kilometer Per Hour
ICAD: Individual Chemical Agent Monitor
LBE: Load Bearing Equipment
LCL: Liquid Control Line
MES: Medical Equipment Set
MOPP: Mission Oriented Protective Posture
MTF: Medical Treatment Facility
MTO&E: Modified Table of Organization and Equipment
NAAK: Nerve Agent Antidote Kit
NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC: Nuclear/Biological/Chemical
NCO: Noncommissioned Officer
NCOIC: Noncommissioned Officer-in-Charge
OIC: Officer-in-Charge
SDK: Skin Decontamination Kit
TAP: Toxicological Agent Protective, e.g., TAP apron
TC: Training Circular
VCL: Vapor Control Line
Introduction |